Saturday, February 12, 2011

Even better than the road to Hana....

....and less crowded is the Kahekili Highway in West Maui, where the "highway" is indeed one lane most of the way, razor-narrow one lane, mirror-scraping-rocks one lane. The landscape is entirely different than anywhere else on the island, more wind-scrubbed by the wide-open waters of the Pacific, plants and trees hugging the ground. It's cattle-country, and hunting country. Red dirt country. It actually reminded me a lot of the sodden coastal West of Ireland, but with heat.

There is a single village of a dozen or so houses, nestled in a steamy valley --

-- where an old bus anchored to the cliffside serves up deep-fried hot dogs and mahi mahi & chips --

A bit further down the road, a banana bread stand sold mini loaves, still warm, complete with a plastic knife for slicing....

My favorite sights, though, were the fruit stands, unattended, with a jar for payment: the honor system:

This felt more like an authentic Maui, with taro plantings and chickens wandering, no hurry. The resort scene is a world unto itself, fascinating to observe, relaxing and a kick to be a part of. But today I entered into an older world, minus a single gas station or mini-mart. (No Starbucks!) And imagine this: no cell phone service. Remote? Indeed. But with a luxury of breathing space that one is hard-pressed to find in the land of multi-lane roads and five-bar phone service.


  1. It's interesting that pineapple isn't relatively inexpensive on Hawai'i either.

    Love, c.

  2. great shots! When on the big island last year, I visited a friends farm where I got to pick pineapple that she was growing there. She also had taro and various other exotic fruits and plants.

    Everything is expensive on the islands -- but it's worth it. You'd think fish would be cheap, but I've been told all the local waters are fished out so they import the fish from far away.
